Title IV
An Information Resource of the Ecclesiastical Discipline of the Episcopal Church

“Title IV” of the Episcopal Church Canons details the grounds and process for ecclesiastical discipline. It is a church-wide structure to address claims that Bishops, Priests, or Deacons may have engaged in conduct constituting an offense under the Canons. It encourages accountability, justice, reconciliation, restoration and pastoral responses. For anyone suspecting clergy misconduct, helpful information is found in both sections of this website.

How to Use This Website

The website is divided into two sections. One is General Education and Best Practices. This section is organized by topic for participants, ministries, and other constituents as an overview for those who may become directly or indirectly affected by Title IV. It is also designed to train and educate. This section features narratives and over 250 instructional videos from church leaders and other experts. They are selected from diverse ministries throughout the church offering insight, educational teachings, and they identify best practices.

The Structure and Procedures section organizes the Title IV Canons into step-by-step descriptions of a Title IV proceeding for each participant involved in the process. It is derived from the Title IV Canons after considerable research and reflects each step as determined by those recognized as authorities of Title IV. However, it is not intended to be the sole source of canonical law for use in Title IV proceedings or as legal advice.

Additionally, the website is a depository of a Title IV glossary, suggested forms and templates to use during the process, the Title IV Canons, FAQs, and other resources that may prove helpful in the study of Title IV and in the implementation of a Title IV procedure.

Title IV Overview with the Presiding Bishop
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